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Webinar in Lagos per il World Ocean Day 2022

L'evento dell'8 giugno è stato organizzato principalmente da Fish Party e abilmente moderato dalla prof.ssa Stella Williams, Vice-Presidente di Mundus maris. Gli studenti della Lagos State University (LASU) sono ti esplicitamente invitati come relatori principali per sottolineare l'importanza del coinvolgimento dei giovani nel motto ONU di questo anno 'Revitalization. Collective Action for the Ocean.'

L'estesa introduzione è stata condotta da Hunyin Boldowu di Fish Party. Ha ricordato ai partecipanti l'immensa importanza dell'oceano per le condizioni di vita sul nostro pianeta, compresi i benefici economici che ne traggono milioni di persone sia in Nigeria che nel resto del mondo.

Ha affermato: "Questo anno, dicuterò brevemente sul rilancio delle azioni collettive degli studenti della Pesca e Acquacultura essendoq uesto il legame che unisce tutti noi."

Ha insistito sul fatto che l'urgenza spinga i giovani nigeriani presenti alla conferenza ad agire fin d'ora per garantire assieme la salvezza di questo oceano sofferente, che ci ha aiutato così tanto fino ad ora.

Firstly, join actively Fish Party's innovation to see a changed and ocean-oriented world. This is very important because that helps to change status quo and ensure safety.

Secondly, and most importantly be a dogged advocate for the ocean. This advocacy may be go in various forms of actions, WhatsApp talk, door-to-door, ocean/beach clean-up and other engaging method to cause change. The emphasis is always on seeking the highest public impact so that increasingly effective collective action is taken for the ocean.

Let's pay back to the ocean!

Among the youthful speakers addressing the audience was Ololade Akingbola a student of fisheries at the Lagos State University (LASU) and Vice-President of the National Association of Fisheries Students, who has been active for many years in various initiatives on environmental issues and has a track record as a promoter of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Agenda 2030.

Ogundare Taye Tobi has made a name for himself has a great participant in debates about the big issues of the day and also serve as a judge of quality debates so as to promote a culture of respectful debate supporting change for the better.

Akanbi Adeyembi Micheal is an undergraduate student of fisheries at LASU with an already remarkable record of academic and social engagements, who has already won recognition for his work inside and outside the university, always focused on achieving impact. He underlined the importance of involving young people and also gave some advice on how to overcome obstacles for the participation in collective action for the ocean, including bridging the digital divide and striving for good education.

Adeshola Kukoyi of the IGLE Training Network also contributed to the panel presentations.

Stella Williams then moderated the lively Question and Answer Session after the presentations which was indicative of the interest kindled by the speakers. The technical conditions were at times challenging when not all participants had stable network connections, but that did not dampen the enthusiasm.

The attractive invitation poster is below.