The documentary X-Trillion shows the journey of 14 women crossing the North Pacific Ocean in a sailing ship to document at least the surface plastic that has been dubbed the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The eXXpedition’s all-women crew led by Emily Penn sailed 3,000 miles taking samples to make the unseen, seen.
From 30 September to 4 October 2024 it was Ocean Week in and around the European Parliament organised by 'blue NGOs' in Brussels, led by Seas At Risk, BirdLife Europe and Central Asia, ClientEarth, Oceana, Surfrider Foundation Europe, and WWF. Supported by some 140 organisations, including Mundus maris, they launched the new 'Blue Manifesto' for a healthy and productive ocean. It identifies 50 concrete cross-cutting and sectoral policy asks, thus providing a clear roadmap towards a healthy ocean in 2030. The event 'Rethinking fisheries' convened in a big tent in front of the Parliament on 1 October was an excellent opportunity to cast light on the changes urgently needed to rebuild resources and enable prosperous low impact fisheries.
Un'ampia coalizione di organizzazioni locali in Senegal chiede al nuovo governo di adottare misure decisive per migliorare le condizioni della sua popolazione. Una marcia silenziosa ha richiesto uno sforzo nazionale per aiutare i giovani a rimanere nel paese e costruire un futuro migliore. Mundus maris esprime la sua solidarietà alle famiglie colpite in Senegal e altrove. Sostiene la richiesta della coalizione di un più profondo impegno del governo, dei professionisti e della società civile per fermare l'esodo e investire in capitale umano, istituzioni e condizioni di lavoro dignitose.
In March 2022, the United Nations Environment Assembly decided to establish an Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) to develop a legally binding international treaty to address plastic pollution throughout its lifecycle, from production to disposal. This treaty, expected to be the most ambitious to date, could be finalised between 2024 and 2025, and would regulate plastic use in a similar way to climate change agreements. It is currently in a particularly critical phase of the international negotiations where proposals to drastically reduce plastic use and replace fossil fuel feed stock by biodegradable raw materials meet with resistance from countries and lobbies wedded to gas and oil.
The annual FishBase-SeaLifeBase Symposium is the occasion to showcase advances in biodiversity research and use of the global information systems to promote recovery and sustainable use of marine and freshwater resources and their ecosystems. This year's symposium was convened by the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, Greece, on 2 and 3 September 2024. Day one was focused on new findings in conjunction with the Gill Oxygen Limitation Theory (GOLT), day two gave room to a broader cross section of biodiversity related topics with a focus on the Mediterranean.
The 2025 United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC3) is scheduled for June 2025 in Nice, France. Costa Rica and France are the co-organisers. UNOC3 is to rally more political, financial, technical and societal engagement in support of the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development (SDG 14). An extensive preparatory process is ongoing with conferences e.g. in Costa Rica in June and at the UN in New York in July 2024. Ten themes have been identified to shape the programme in Nice. They are at the centre of so-called Ocean Action Panels. Mundus maris has responded in the public consultation to underpin three of them.
Upon invitation of the organising committee at the FAO, Cornelia E Nauen of Mundus maris attended the second SSF Summit taking place in the premises of FAO from 5 to 7 July 2024. The first day was exclusively reserved for members of the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) Working Group on Fisheries with a thematic focus on customary tenure rights for small-scale and indigenous fisheries. During the weekend, with some 300 participants admitted, the emphasis shifted towards sharing recent experiences and regional group discussions focused on translating these experiences into next steps of implementation to be carried for the ensuing meeting of the Committee of Fisheries (COFI36).
Nell'ambito dei preparativi per il prossimo congresso mondiale sulla pesca su piccola scala, la piattaforma di ricerca “Too Big To Ignore” (TBTI) e i suoi partner organizzano incontri regionali dal titolo suggestivo “Bright spots - Hope spots”. Quello per l'Europa ha riunito un piccolo gruppo di ricercatori e pescatori nei pressi di Larnaca, a Cipro, dall'1 al 3 luglio 2024. Katia Frangoudes, con sede all'IUEM/UBO di Brest, in Francia, è stata l'ospite principale e non ha lesinato sforzi per rendere l'incontro professionalmente produttivo nell'incantevole atmosfera creata dalla tradizionale ospitalità cipriota.
The emergency closure of the Baltic cod fishery in 2019 was the sad low point of mismanagement of Baltic fisheries. The Low Impact Fishers Europe (LIFE) apex organisation of small-scale, coastal fishers had invited managers, NGOs and other interested parties to a consultation to explore how to stop the desastrous downward spiral. Since 2019 things have not improved. On the contrary. The collapse of cod in the Western Baltic has also been followed by that of herring and sprat as major food of cod. The flatfishes are still there but can not replace either the ecological function or the economic role of the collapsed species in the ecosystem. Marta Cavallé, Executive Director of LIFE, flanked by Brian O'Riordan, her predecessor, opened the meeting and welcomed all participants.
Anche questo anno, il festival dell’ambiente in Bruxelles ha offerto una buona opportunità per veicolare il messaggio del World Ocean Day. Il 2 giugno 2024, nello spazioso parco Tour & Taxis in Bruxelles, che era in passato la più grande stazione ferroviaria commerciale d’Europa, famiglie e visitatori sia dai dintorni in Schaerbeek che da altre località hanno affollato le tende degli eventi e gli stand gastronomici, senza mai rischiare il sovraffollamento. Mundus maris ha accolto tutto il giorno i visitatori alla tenda n.17.
Demonstrations in more than 100 towns and cities in Germany and all over Europe were called by Fridays for Future to mobilise citizens across the region for more decisive climate action and for turning out on 9 June by voting for democratic parties and against the right wing extremists threatening climate action and citizen rights. Mundus maris participated in the march in Düsseldorf, Germany.