The 2025 United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC3) is scheduled for June 2025 in Nice, France. Costa Rica and France are the co-organisers. UNOC3 is to rally more political, financial, technical and societal engagement in support of the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development (SDG 14). An extensive preparatory process is ongoing with conferences e.g. in Costa Rica in June and at the UN in New York in July 2024. Ten themes have been identified to shape the programme in Nice. They are at the centre of so-called Ocean Action Panels. Mundus maris has responded in the public consultation to underpin three of them.
Upon invitation of the organising committee at the FAO, Cornelia E Nauen of Mundus maris attended the second SSF Summit taking place in the premises of FAO from 5 to 7 July 2024. The first day was exclusively reserved for members of the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) Working Group on Fisheries with a thematic focus on customary tenure rights for small-scale and indigenous fisheries. During the weekend, with some 300 participants admitted, the emphasis shifted towards sharing recent experiences and regional group discussions focused on translating these experiences into next steps of implementation to be carried for the ensuing meeting of the Committee of Fisheries (COFI36).
As part of the preparations for the next global small-scale fisheries congress, regional gatherings are convened by the research platform 'Too Big To Ignore' (TBTI) and its partners under the suggestive title 'Bright spots - Hope spots'. The one for Europe gathered a small group of researchers and fishers near Larnaca, Cyprus, from 1 to 3 July 2024. Katia Frangoudes based at IUEM/UBO, Brest, France was the principal host not sparing any effort to make the meeting professionally productive in the lovely atmosphere created by traditional Cypriot hospitality.
The emergency closure of the Baltic cod fishery in 2019 was the sad low point of mismanagement of Baltic fisheries. The Low Impact Fishers Europe (LIFE) apex organisation of small-scale, coastal fishers had invited managers, NGOs and other interested parties to a consultation to explore how to stop the desastrous downward spiral. Since 2019 things have not improved. On the contrary. The collapse of cod in the Western Baltic has also been followed by that of herring and sprat as major food of cod. The flatfishes are still there but can not replace either the ecological function or the economic role of the collapsed species in the ecosystem. Marta Cavallé, Executive Director of LIFE, flanked by Brian O'Riordan, her predecessor, opened the meeting and welcomed all participants.
También este año, el festival medioambiental de Bruselas ofreció una buena oportunidad para transmitir el mensaje del Día Mundial del Océano. El 2 de junio de 2024, en el espacioso parque Tour & Taxis de Bruselas, donde fue antaño la estación ferroviaria de mercancías más grande de Europa, familias y visitantes de los alrededores de Schaerbeek acudieron en masa a las tiendas de actividades y a los puestos de comida, sin correr ningún riesgo de hacinamiento. Mundus maris recibió a los visitantes en la Carpa nº 17 durante todo el día.
Demonstrations in more than 100 towns and cities in Germany and all over Europe were called by Fridays for Future to mobilise citizens across the region for more decisive climate action and for turning out on 9 June by voting for democratic parties and against the right wing extremists threatening climate action and citizen rights. Mundus maris participated in the march in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Organizado íntegramente por ciudadanos voluntarios con el apoyo de empresas u organizaciones que actúan de forma voluntaria, el evento H.O.M.E en la estación marítima Tour & Taxis acogió a familias y otros visitantes el fin de semana del 25 y 26 de mayo de 2024. H.O.M.E. significa House Of Mother Earth (Casa de la Madre Tierra) y es una iniciativa de la organización sin ánimo de lucro Climattitude. Nuestros amigos de COREN y Mundus maris asbl fueron invitados a animar la «cocina», una de las muchas estancias de la casa en la espaciosa y bien restaurada Gare maritime. ¡Qué mejor propuesta que proteger a las crías de peces para que crezcan y se reproduzcan y así obtener alimentos sanos para siempre!
On May 21, 2024, in honour of UNESCO Day and World Ocean Day (June 8, 2024), Mundus maris asbl presented the "Oceanic Echoes" concert, performed by the internationally acclaimed Dusk String Quartet. The concert was hosted at the Flemish Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Tour & Taxis complex in Brussels, home to the National Committee for the Ocean Decade for Belgium and the Flemish UNESCO Commission. Mundus maris, a key member of the Committee, contributes through its scientific, educational, and artistic initiatives.
The conferences for young marine researchers (YOUMARES) of the German Society for Marine Research (DGM) started as a self-organised event to give students and young professionals an opportunity to share their study results, gain experience in presenting their work in a friendly environment and network. Over the years participation grew more and more international and since the pandemic the general shift towards hybrid events allowing remote participation opened up new opportunities. The on-site part of the 14th edition was convened in Hamburg on board the museum and entertainment ship Cap San Diego, in close proximity to the emblematic concert halls of the Elbphilharmonie.
El Tribunal Internacional del Derecho del Mar (TIDM) es un órgano judicial independiente creado por la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Derecho del Mar de 1982. Tiene jurisdicción sobre cualquier disputa relativa a la interpretación o aplicación de la Convención, y sobre todos los asuntos específicamente previstos en cualquier otro acuerdo que confiera jurisdicción al Tribunal. Las controversias relativas a la Convención pueden referirse a la delimitación de zonas marítimas, la navegación, la conservación y gestión de los recursos marinos vivos, la protección del medio marino y la investigación científica marina.
The international fish market demand and technological advances are among the main drivers that have damaged marine ecosystems. This situation has resulted in the vulnerability of Small-scale fishing (SSF) communities, who depend on these same ecosystems for various functions and services, including cultural services, the supply of fish for income and food, etc. However, fishers are managing to navigate through some of the twists and turns offered by the market and a range of technologies in a perpetual search for ways to ensure a transition to guarantee viability of SSF, including its cultural dimensions. This thematic webinar by Aliou Sall recorded on 26 April 2024 aimed to share insights into the initiatives by small-scale fishers from a socio-anthropological angle drawing on examples from Senegalese fishing communities.