The VI Congress of CEISAL (Consejo Europeo de Investigraciones Sociales sobre América Latina) 2010 took place in Toulouse, Southern France, from 30 June to 3 July 2010 under the motto 'Independencies - Dependencies - Interdependencies'. More information is available at the Conference website in three languages.


The congress was accompanied by a rich cultural programme of exhibitions, music, TV, film and literary events, with important contemporary writers discussing about literature and reading poetry. The culture programme lasted from 28 June to 3 July.














The poster exhibition 'From Darwin to Sustainable Seas' was included in this cultural programme.

It was shown in the opening hall of the main building of the university 'Le Mirail', where most of the plenary and work shop sessions took place.



















The congress of the scholars on Latin America from Europe and Latin America is convened every three years to report and exchange critically on research results.

This year's progrramme places special emphasis on the bicentenaries of Latin American independence from colonial rule, old and new dependencies and modern-day interdependence. The conference is also a good opportunity for students and young researchers to gain experience in this increasingly multi-disciplinary field of research and analyses.

It gained particular relevance so shortly after the EU-LAC Summit of Heads of State and Government, 18/19 May 2010 in Madrid, which placed knowledge and sustainable development at the heart of the political agenda as reflected by its title 'Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development and Social Inclusion'.