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Venue: Henri Janne meeting room 15th floor, Sociology Institute, ULB Solbosch Campus, Ave Jeanne 44, 1050 Brussels.

Date and time: 11 March 2013, 10h to 16h.


Education is always about the future. “Global education” is a relatively new concept still in mutation, which examines what should be contents and modes of teaching to prepare young people in different parts of the planet for living peacefully and in synch with themselves, with each other and with nature.


A key challenge is how to develop contents and processes that enable young people to build up the competence and skills to live well and perform in their local environments, while being aware and capable of putting the local requirements and opportunities into broader, global perspectives.

Competences in the sciences and technical subjects should certainly receive much attention. Likewise, social skills, respect for difference (in culture, language, gender, religion and other dimensions of multiple identities) and the ability to cooperate with global peers should be considered essential part of the education process.

Last, but not least, being curious about and respectful of nature, land and ocean ecosystems and reconnecting to nature in multiple ways needs to be part and parcel of a future-oriented approach to accompanying young people on the journey into their adult lives.

Rebuilding relationships with nature that produces the objects that surround our daily lives may also help to stem the waste and encourage longer-lived use of construction, furniture, dress and reduce food wastage.

The workshop intends to cast light on at least some major aspects of education for sustainable futures bringing together academic research, practitioners interspersed with perspectives from traditional culture in the form of a video-interview with a leader of the Senegalese women in artisanal fisheries, Awa Seye.

Workshop participation, including the video-projection during lunch break, is open, but registration at Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. encouraged. Awa Seye will be present for an exchange of experience.

The workshop will be convened in English and French without simultaneous interpretation, however, consecutive translation can be provided if required. Panelists and participants are free to use either language to express themselves.

Click here to see the programme.