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2. The culinary traditions are strongly dependent on small-scale fisheries products

Beyond the predominant role of small-scale fishing in Guinea, particularly the Boulbinet landing site, which creates countless jobs in situ, this sector contributes significantly to food security. Indeed, Guinea is one of the West African countries where "eating fish" occupies an important place in the culinary traditions. Like the conditions prevailing throughout the subregion, there is a large disparity in terms of reliance on fishery products depending on whether one is in coastal, rural or forest areas. As for Conakry, a coastal city, fish has always been a dominant part of food habits.

There is fish for every taste and purseIn the plate of products on offer, the "smoked fish" (sea-catfish, barracuda and small pelagics) is among the favorites. The traditional recipes allow everyone to find a dish corresponding to his or her purse: whole fish or slices sold by the piece, accompanied by local rice or Atiéké (cassava semolina). Fish is so important to some communities that it is consumed already early in the morning at 9:00 am, including smoked catfish in sauce with local rice. Given the cultural value attributed to fishery products with preferences according to ethnic groups (case of catfish for the Soussou), working for the sustainability of fishing becomes imperative as even cultural sustainability will depend on it. It goes without saying that for the fishing communities themselves, the cultural value attributed to the "fishing" activity beyond its economic dimension is not limited to strictly culinary aspects (see the interview with F. Soumah, charismatic national leader in the artisanal fisheries).

It is important to note that, in addition to restaurants specialised in these smoked products, there are other open-air restaurants in Conakry, serving freshly fried fish, accompanied mainly by Aloko (plantain bananas fried in palm oil or peanut oil) and / or Atiéké. With the extension of the city of Conakry and the problems of urban mobility pushing many workers to work without a long pause at lunch time, these types of outdoor restaurants proliferate. Finally, it is necessary to mention a striking fact regarding these places, which catches the observer's eye. They have become almost entirely dependent on "frozen fish channels" for their supply. Meeting a woman who gets fresh supplies directly from artisanal fishermen is becoming an exception to the rule.