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Mundus maris Award 2015 – We Are All Connected To The Ocean

We invite you – young people up to age 24 (up to 12 years, 13 to 18 years and 19 to 24 years) - to participate in a contest for the Mundus maris Award 2015 for celebrating the World Ocean Day 2015, 8 June, together. We invite original and creative written and visual stories about the ocean. Stories are welcome from all over the world. The best in each age group will be published in an open-access e-book to help others to connect to the Ocean too.

Inspirational text for 2015 celebrations: The Ocean and the Human Family” (see the text on the previous page).

Forms of participation:

  • What would you do if you were to decide on how we could care better for the Ocean? Write up a story.

  • What is your dream for the Ocean in the future? Write up a story

  • What is your dream for the Ocean in the future? Draw up a cartoon

Maximum size: three A4 pages (for individual or collective work)

Language: English, French, German, Italian or Spanish

Illustrations (drawings, photos) as part of a written story are welcome.

Format: PDF or JPG (one jpg per page) – recommended. Please send pure text in word or open office (odt) format using Arial 11 pts font

Please submit your participation as an e-mail attachment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

How to participate:

    1. Participants have to submit in the same e-mail the following data: name and surname, age, nationality, postal address and contact e-mail.

    2. Works can be individual or collective: specify the complete data of every participant of the team and mark team participation clearly.

    3. For participants younger than 16 years, an adult has to authorise their participation (please provide the data of both).

    4. Submissions have to be original and in harmony with World Ocean Day objectives. Any form of plagiarism will disqualify the work.

    5. Materials shared in the public domain can be used, but the source has to be adequately acknowledged.

    6. An international jury will examine all entries and select the winners. The judgement of the jury is final.

    7. The jury will take into account the age of participants and allot awards accordingly.

    8. The participation in the contest means the authorization of Mundus maris and other sponsors to share and recognize the submitted works in the public domain with due recognition of the authors.

The best entries will be especially recognized in an open-access e-book.

Deadline: The deadline for submissions has been extended to Sunday, 10 May 2015, 17h Brussels time.


For each category there are three prizes of 300, 200 and 100 Euro respectively.

The best entries will be honoured in World Ocean Day events in several countries and published in an open-access e-book to inspire others to connect to the Ocean.

Each participant will receive a personal “Honorary Diploma” by e-mail in recognition of the effort contributed to celebrating World Ocean Day 2015.



Special events for World Ocean Day with award ceremony:

The winners will be announced on World Ocean Day: 8 June 2015, in several celebratory events in different cities around the world from Brussels and Buenos Aires to Rome.


The Mundus maris Award 2015 is in collaboration with:

  • Homo sapiens FM, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Public Aquarium Brussels, Belgium
  • Deutsche Meeresstiftung / ALDEBARAN, Hamburg, Germany
  • Meeresbürger, Network, Germany
  • Formica Blu, Rome, Italy
  • Eco-Ethics, Mombasa, Kenya
  • FIN - FishBase Information and Research Group, Los Baños, Philippines
  • Centre de Recherche sur les Technologies Intermédiaires de Pêche (CREDETIP), Dakar, Senegal

Public Aquarium

Belgique - België - Belgium



Centre de Recherche
sur les Technologies
Intermédiaires de Pêche

Dakar, Senegal

and co-sponsored by