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Preparations in Hilden, Arts Working Group of the Helmholtz-Gymnasium Hilden, Germany

Since the foundation of the Arts Working Group of the Helmholtz – Gymnasium Hilden (HGH) in the summer of 2007, we, 18 committed young people between 15 and 20 years old, confront our surroundings regularly through the eyes of the arts. In the context, we set up a big exhibition last year (2008) in a public exhibition space of our home town.

We see our participation in exhibition project „Sustainable Seas Through the Eyes of Art“ as an opportunity to position ourselves in relation to political issues and to act more consciously as Europeans and citizens who are co-responsible for global problems.

Hilden preparations 01Following an invitation of Dr. Cornelia Nauen to visit Brussels, we had the opportunity to acquaint ourselves with the regional representation of our Land NRW in Brussels, the European Commission, the European Parliament and the European School in Brussels. This way we learnt more about the precursor of this project as well as its scientific and political background.

Back in Hilden we teamed up with a local cooperation partner, the Aquazoo Düsseldorf, whose scientific staff introduced us to more in-depth knowledge about the reef ecosystems and their increasing destruction through dynamite and cyanide fishing, bottom trawling and unsustainable tourism. Global warming as a result of climate change is another major threat to corals. Together with other stress factors it results in bleaching (loss of colour of the corals as a result of expulsion of symbiotic unicellular algae) and ultimately coral death.

Hilden Preparations 02Since August 2008 we are already working on canvasses, three-dimensional objects, photography and collages all around the maritime theme. We are trying to capture the positive as well as the critical aspects.

We expect the exhibition project „Sustainable Seas Through the Eyes of Art“ to open up successful national and internationanl cooperation and an enrichment of our human and artistic development.

Our coach is Mr Ansgar Sebastian Beer, teacher for art and biology at the HGH and registered artist in Düsseldorf.

Click here for the general website of our school.